To review the DHS mandate go to:
For information on how the shift in policy may effect your business, contact Arieh M. Flemenbaum at Griffith & Jacobson, LLC.
Chicago's business lawyers address issues that impact business in Chicago!
Image via Wikipedia
We are pleased to announce that we have a new Facebook (business) page at you are traveling on business, you can track the Swine Flu outbreak on Google maps:
Image via Wikipedia
EEOC issued new best practices for employers of workers with care giving responsibilities (and help businesses reduce the possibility of being found to discriminate against workers with care giving responsibilities).
With a dramatic increase in the number of workers who have the additional responsibility of being the primary caregiver for their children, aging parents and/or relatives with a disability, the EEOC felt it was necessary to provide some guidance to employers to encourage the adoption of more flexible workplace policies that help employees achieve a satisfactory work-life balance.
The EEOC's best practices supplement the guidance issued by the EEOC in 2007 and provides specific suggestions for best practices that employers may adopt to reduce the chance of a violation of the various federal Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations. You may read the best practice at the EEOC website at
Contact your business attorney and accountant or contact Arieh M. Flemenbaum at Griffith & Jacobson, LLC ( or 312-236-8110) for more information.
It's Time to Complete a Business Check-up!
For a thorough checkup and financial review, contact your business attorney and
accountant or contact Arieh M. Flemenbaum at Griffith & Jacobson, LLC ( or 312-236-8110) for more information.
For a thorough checkup and financial review, contact your business
attorney and accountant or contact Arieh M. Flemenbaum at Griffith &
Jacobson, LLC ( or 312-236-8110)
for more information.
With the income tax filing deadline looming, here are 10last minute filing tips from the IRS:
Or if you need an extension, read these tips from the IRS:
For more information please contact Arieh M. Flemenbaum (312-236-8110 or at at Griffith & Jacobson, LLC.
Griffith & Jacobson, LLC - We know your business!
Check us out at
We have heard from several contacts in commercial banking that their banks have money to lend and are looking to make loans. With the Obama administration actively trying to stimulate the business finance sector, the SBA has been revamping its loan programs. For a primer on how the recent changes in the SBA can help your business get a loan read the recent article in Businessweek
For additional useful resources for business loans & commercial mortgages go to
For more information please contact Arieh M. Flemenbaum ( 312-236-8110 or at at Griffith & Jacobson, LLC.
Griffith & Jacobson, LLC - We know your business!
Check us out at
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